Detective novel, mostly written in 2011 and 2012 during high school and at the same time released as an audio book podcast, read by Daniel Schlimm.


In the plot, an artificially created character, simply referred to as „der Kommissar“ is used by the villains to work experimentally as an inspector to solve criminal cases and other riddle fragments and to find out the origin of mysterious diseases. Many times, the inspector’s work gets interrupted by detailed story tellings from movies inside the novel. Later he realizes that he has no own body and actually is a hologram, nevertheless he enjoys going to big concert events and later meets his son for the first time after having a serious argument.


The number of podcast listeners reached an all time high in 2012 climbing the german iTunes podcast charts while listing over 100,000 downloads and over 130 ratings. The cover artwork is provided by Christopher Spicher.